A Thanksgiving Message from Bloom Legal

Posted on Nov 23, 2016 in Uncategorized

Thanksgiving is upon us, and while many of you may be gathering with family and friends at home, there a plenty of local restaurants serving up delicious specials.  Commander’s Palace, Domenica, SoBou, and Luke are just a few options, but there are plenty more.  GoNOLA.com has a complete list of restaurants that will provide you with an excellent meal and no dishes to cleanup. However, while you may be looking forward to chowing down on turkey, cranberry sauce, and much more, do not lose sight of the what you can do to help others.  This holiday season (and year round) there are a plethora of options for helping those in need.  U.S. News & World Report published a list of six ways you can give back:
  1. Send holiday cards to active-duty military and veterans.
  2. Collect donations for a food bank.
  3. Volunteer at a shelter.
  4. Donate used clothes and coats.
  5. Assemble a group of friends to sponsor a family.
  6. Have your children pick out toys to donate to Toys for Tots.
Bloom Legal wishes everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving!  If you or anyone you know find yourself in need of an attorney this holiday weekend, do not hesitate to call our office at 504-599-9997.

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