Shocker…Paris Hilton Charged with Felony Drug Possession

Posted on Aug 30, 2010 in Celebrity Justice, Drugs

Up to her old tricks, Paris Hilton has been charged with felony possession of a controlled substance - cocaine. Hilton was stopped in Las Vegas by police who allegedly smelled the strong odor of marijuana emanating from a vehicle driven by Hilton's boyfriend, Cy Waits, who has been arrested for DWI. According to reports, after requesting access to her purse for lip balm, Hilton opened the purse at which point officers witnessed a small bindle of what appeared to be cocaine fall from the purse and into their hands. Hilton is currently charged with possession of .8 grams of cocaine, an amount indicating felony status with sentences in Nevada ranging from probation to 4 years in prison. It is unclear at this point what the outcome will be while Hilton and her family adamantly deny her ownership of the cocaine (and, on occasion, the purse). In any event, it is extremely ill advised to ever engage in the use or possession of controlled substances, least of all while driving. However, accidents happen and people make mistakes - if you have been arrested for or charged with a drug-related crime, Bloom Legal is here to ensure your constitutionally guaranteed right to competent legal counsel. Contact us today at 504.599.9997 for a drug-related crime consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney.

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