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Penis Injury Spurs Lawsuit Against Gretna Police

Posted on Aug 10, 2011 in Local Issues, Personal Injury

Cody Melancon, 25 year old Gretna man, filed suit against the Gretna police department yesterday claiming the attack by a police dog that nearly severed his genitals and has left them “sexually dysfunctional” was unjustified. [caption id="attachment_2349" align="alignright" width="231"] Photo Courtesy of nola.com[/caption] According to Melancon’s suit, the K9 unit in question, officer Joseph Mekdessie and his dog Zin, had illegally searched Melancon’s truck days before the incident. After finding nothing in the vehicle, the officer wrote a citation because the truck’s radio was too loud. Melancon felt the citation was a manipulation to justify the search, the two men exchanged words. When a warrant for Melancon’s arrest was issued for breaking and entering and assault, which Melancon denies, Mekdessie was supposedly eager to settle a score. When police arrived at Melancon’s residence, his fiancé lied saying he was not home. Melancon claims that once Mekdessie threatened to release Zin, he made his presence known, and once he was kneeling on the floor with his fingers interlocked behind his head, Mekdessie yelled at him to stop resisting and released the police dog. Mekdessie claims that while at the front door, he heard sounds of a possible escape attempt from inside the apartment and released the dog, who subdued Melancon while he was running from the bedroom towards rear of the residence. Melancon’s attorney points out that there are no windows in the back of the apartment, so an escape attempt was impossible. The suit, which also claims the police falsified reports, seeks $31 million for medical expenses and punitive damages. While local police have faced high profile criminal cases recently, this suit has the added complication of a personal injury claim. If you or anyone you know has been injured and wishes to file a personal injury claim, contact Bloom Legal at 504-599-9997, for a legal consultation.

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