Man Sentenced to 20 Years After 9th DUI

Posted on Feb 16, 2011 in DUI/DWI

Fifty-eight year old Jack Mizer is well acquainted with the legal proceedings for a DUI, having received 9 of them, but his latest charge will carry a heftier sentence than the rest. In court he was called the greatest threat to public safety in Maricopa County, AZ and ordered to serve two consecutive ten year sentences for felony counts of driving under the influence. [caption id="attachment_1686" align="alignright" width="300"] Jack Mizer Photo Courtesy of[/caption] Mizer was previously charged with a DUI for drinking a beer while a toddler standing on his lap steered the vehicle. On February 6th of last year he was arrested for the eighth time after driving his truck in a bike lane with an astounding .293 blood alcohol level. After posting a $25,000 bond, Mizer managed to avoid incarceration for an impressive seventeen days before taking the wheel with a blood alcohol level of .278. Many DUI charges are the result of a single poor decision, but in this case it is obvious that Mizer has a problem with alcohol abuse. In light of the number and magnitude of his offenses, which border on comical, the legal system was forced to take action to ensure the community’s safety. If you or anyone you know has been charged with DUI, it is important to seek legal counsel. Contact Bloom Legal at 599-9997 for a, no obligation consultation.

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