Litter Abatement Community Service In New Orleans

Posted on Dec 5, 2019 in Criminal Defense, DUI/DWI

Many folks charged with a DWI in New Orleans may be required to fulfill community service hours. Usually, at least half of those hours must be some type of litter abatement. So, where can you volunteer for litter abatement in New Orleans?

Pick Up Litter at City Parks

One of the most common places we recommend for our clients to fulfill their litter abatement community service is in parks around the city.
  • New Orleans City Park is particularly good, as the park has a regular staff and it is easy to get in touch with them via phone to set up your volunteer hours.
  • Audubon Park or Louis Armstrong Park are also options in the New Orleans area. Contact the Parks and Recreation Department to set up community service hours at parks around the city or in your area.
  • A day in the park isn’t the worst way to spend your time! Take care of your community service, enjoy the sunlight, and help keep your community clean. Not a bad gig!
  • Remember to obtain documentation from wherever you volunteer indicating that you did litter abatement volunteer work, and how many hours you completed. 

What If I’m Not In the New Orleans Area?

We have plenty of clients that do not live in the greater New Orleans area. If you were arrested or charged with a DWI in New Orleans and need to complete community service hours, you can do so wherever you live. Again, parks are a great place for litter abatement. Call your local Parks and Rec Department and tell them what you’re looking for. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

Other Places To Fulfill Litter Abatement

Parks are not the only place to fulfill your litter abatement community service. Some people may choose to volunteer with charities, nonprofits, or churches. As long as you secure the proper documentation from the organization that you volunteer for, you should be in the clear. The documentation should indicate clearly that you performed litter abatement and for how many hours.

But Do I Really Have To Pick Up Trash?

We know picking up trash is not the most ideal way to spend your day. However, many DUI charges can result in probation, which requires, among other things, completion of community service hours including litter abatement. For this reason, we often encourage our clients to get out in front of the process, and complete these requirements ahead of their court date. This indicates to the court a willingness to improve, and a show of good faith. It can expedite the process of moving forward after a drunk driving arrest in New Orleans.

Have You Been Charged With a DWI In New Orleans?

Bloom Legal knows that everyone makes mistakes sometimes. We don’t think people’s lives and livelihood should be drastically altered because of it. We have been helping people deal with their DUI in New Orleans and the greater New Orleans area for 15 years. If you have been charged with a DWI, contact us for a free consultation.

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