Gov. Jindal Calls for BP to Fund $173 Million Seafood Monitoring Program

Posted on Aug 20, 2010 in BP Oil Spill, Local Issues, National Issues

As news surfaced today that scientists have discovered a 22-mile-long plume of underwater oil extending to the southwest of the BP oil well that exploded months ago, we are reminded that the long-term effects of the spill have yet to be fully determined. [caption id="attachment_942" align="alignright" width="300"] Photo Courtesy of[/caption] In an effort to maintain safety and stability in the affected region, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is supporting a proposal that would call for BP to invest $173 million in a fund that would support monitoring the safety and quality of the state's seafood for the next 5 years. BP has currently agreed to a plan that would provide $13 million dollars for a 3-year monitoring program with the possibility of extension but has yet to respond to Governor Jindal's request. Louisiana produces roughly one third of the United States' domestic seafood - an industry which contributes about $2 billion every year to the state's economy. Part of Governor Jindal's proposal involves BP footing the bill for large scale marketing campaigns designed to alleviate national concerns over the safety of the region's seafood. If you or a loved one have been affected by the Oil Spill, time is of the essence to ensure that you take the actions necessary to allow you to receive the compensation you are due. We recommend that you attend the open house as well as contacting Bloom Legal at 504-599-9997 to schedule a consultation to learn about how we can advocate for you today.

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