Does Britney Spears WANT to Lose Her Kids to K-Fed or CPS?

Posted on Aug 8, 2007 in Celebrity Justice

Last night, Britney Spears left work at 9 pm (she's making a music video) and instead of going home to the kids, she went to party.  Yesterday, a college student named Matt Encinas (an extra in the video) claimed that Britney Spears invited him to a late-night pool party at a Hollywood hotel over the weekend, where Britney tossed her clothes and played topless spin the bottle.  Also this week, Britney hit a parked car while out shopping, left the scene without leaving a note with her contact info for the other guy, and managed to get herself photographed once again without underwear. These are just the events reported in the past three days. All these antics beg the question: does Britney Spears want to lose her kids?  Because if that's the goal, she's doing a fine job of it.   Why? First, Britney Spears is getting a lot of warning.  Kevin Federline's camp has been leaking tidbits about his attorneys working toward Kevin gaining full custody of the two boys for awhile now.  And, Britney's mother has also been rumored to be investigating her grandparent rights, as well as becoming aligned with Kevin regarding the children. Witnesses are reporting Britney Spears distracting her children with bottles filled with soda and feeding them Doritos; asking a dentist to whiten one child's teeth; and there's the history of almost dropping the toddler, failing to use car seats, and all the other strange, wierd behavior that TMZ.COM has documented so well (a lawyer's dream -- all that documentation). Over at the Huffington Post, Tyler Pontier is begging for it.  "Someone please take her children away from her," Pontier pleads in his August post. Kevin Federline, as the children's father, can bring suit under California law to gain full custody of the two boys -- and Britney's illegal trip to Vegas with the kids last month gave K-Fed lots of ammo here.  (She violated a court order.) Plus, the California Department of Social Services' Child Protective Services has already has a file on Britney Spears (remember when she drove with a baby on her lap?).   It's not unreasonable to think that CPS may not swoop down and reopen its investigations, since California law defines child abuse as any of the following:
  • A child is physically injured by other than accidental means.
  • A child is subjected to willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment.
  • A child is abused or exploited sexually.
  • A child is neglected by a parent or caretaker who fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care or supervision.
Oh, and what about Lynne Spears?  Does Grandma have rights?  Yep.  California Code Section 3104 provides for a grandparent's rights to visit with their grandchild if there is an established relationship or bond between them.  Lynne Spears has been around her grandsons since birth; she meets the criteria.  She could file suit at anytime, too. The way that Britney Spears is behaving, looks like she's just asking someone to come and take these kids from her.   She is certainly the best witness for the other side in the inevitable court fight. �

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