A 2nd person, 18-year-old Anthony Janow, turned himself in to police after admitting to stealing pieces of the Porsche wreckage from Paul Walker's fatal accident. The two accused, Jameson Witty and Anthony Janow, were supposed going to make a shrine memorializing the actor out of the pieces and insist it was not to make a profit. Witty has originally posted a photo of one of the pieces on his Instagram, then removed it with a statement apologizing to the Walker family and explaining his actions as a true fan, and not someone to take advantage of a tragedy. They are each being charged with felony grand theft of personal property and two misdemeanor counts, all of which could result in a maximum of 4 years in jail. If you or someone you know is charged with theft, please give Bloom legal a call at 504-599-9997 or email us at info@bloomlegal.com. http://www.dailynews.com/arts-and-entertainment/20131210/paul-walker-death-car-theft-2nd-arrest-in-theft-of-roof-panel-from-wrecked-porsche
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