BloomLegalTV: DWIs and Expungements

May 3, 2011 - Bloom Legal TV by Seth Bloom

We’ve recently had a few questions submitted to us about DWIs.  DWI is a common mnemonic used in law enforcement that stands for “Driving While Intoxicated”. Someone submitted a question inquiring, “How long does it […]

Jazz Fest Kicks Into Full Swing Today

Apr 29, 2011 - Local Issues by Seth Bloom

Today marks the first major day for Jazz Fest 2011 and the city is already visibly packed with tourists and festival-goers of all sorts. Many rental properties are being occupied exclusively for the festival weekend […]

DWI Checkpoint Tonight – Lakeview!

Apr 15, 2011 - DUI/DWI by Seth Bloom

NOPD has issued a statement today indicating that it will be conducting a sobriety checkpoint tonight (Friday 4/15) in the Lakeview area from approximately 9pm to 5am. No specific indication as to the location of […]

Cycling While Intoxicated

Apr 13, 2011 - DUI/DWI by Seth Bloom

There are many subtleties in the DWI law code, and almost all of them are designed to take drivers off of the road and put them in a cell. Benjamin Edwards, 23, learned this the […]

Jazz Fest Schedule Announced

Apr 1, 2011 - Local Issues by Seth Bloom

Festival season has officially begun and every weekend is filled with good food and good music, and the biggest music fest of them all is fast approaching. Jazz Fest has announced its schedule for 2011. […]



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