What Is A Personal Injury Claim?

Personal injury claim is any type of injury that happens that’s really not your fault. So, a personal injury claim can be a boat injury, a car accident injury, car accident injury, it can be from a tractor, trailer, truck. It can also happen at work, it can happen on an offshore oil rig, it can happen as a maritime injury so there’s different types and different laws and subset of laws that guide these different types of injuries, but in most cases if you’re going to have a personal injury claim you really need to get a lawyer so they can help guide you through that complicated process and make sure the insurance companies pay you what you deserve when you’ve been injured.


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    "This company is one of the most helpful and dutiful law firms in New Orleans. I have met with Seth Bloom multiple times and he has helped with out of several situations I thought had no solution. He made me feel calm, comfortable, and collected. After our first meeting, he established a genuine interest in my position and assured me that he would stand by me. Aside from that, he is one of the most professional lawyers I have dealt with, and I believe his service to be above what people in New Orleans consider to be great service."
    Posted By: Zachary Klos


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