[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="512" caption="Photo Courtesy of NOLA.com"][/caption]A Florida district court judge has set bail for George Zimmerman's (the murder suspect in the Trayvon Martin shooting case) second release from jail at $1,000,000. Zimmerman had previously been released on a $150,000 bond but was taken back into custody when it was revealed that he failed to disclose up to $130,000 raised for his legal defense through a website run by Zimmerman and his wife. The Florida judge expressed displeasure with Zimmerman's actions and stated that they gave the impression that Zimmerman and his wife might have been conspiring to flee the country with the undisclosed funds. Under Florida law, however, because the judge determined that Zimmerman does not pose a threat to society, he is entitled to be released on bond. For this reason, the court was required to enter the new, albeit substantially-increased, bond amount. For more on this story as it develops, visit NOLA.com.
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