Willie Nelson Avoids Jail Time for a Song

Posted on Mar 30, 2011 in Celebrity Justice, Drugs

Willie Nelson was up to his old tricks when a Border Patrol agent smelled pot smoke coming from the country legend’s tour bus in November. He was charged with marijuana possession and ordered to appear in a Texas court. [caption id="attachment_1848" align="alignright" width="270"] Photo Courtesy of countryrokmusic.com[/caption] To hear Willie tell it, the tour bus had just recently picked him up in California, and he had completely forgotten about a small bag of marijuana which had been left on board from his last tour. Of course, if that is true, then the agent never smelled smoke and had no probable cause for a search. Then again, the fact that it was Willie Nelson’s tour bus might have been reason enough for suspicion. It seems Willie is used to this sort of thing by now and took the proceedings in stride. His attorney jokingly suggested that Willie perform the judge’s favorite song Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain rather than perform jail time or community service. The judge seemed to like the idea and let the county legend off with a guilty plea and a minor fine. The in-court performance was actually just a joke between the involved parties, but media outlets picked up the story as if it were true with a mixed reaction of anger and humor. The light sentence was a result of a more lenient stance on marijuana possession. If you or anyone you know has been charged with drug possession, contact Bloom Legal at 504-599-9997 for a, no-obligation consultation.

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