Tips to Avoid a Drunk Driving Accident in New Orleans

Posted on Mar 31, 2021 in DUI/DWI

It is no secret that New Orleans is a place where people go to party and have a good time. With a surprising amount of cars on the road - despite the city’s extensive walkability and public transportation options - it might be tempting to get behind the wheel after you have had a few drinks. If that occurs, it might also become more likely for you to be involved in a drunk driving accident. If you’ve been involved in a drunk driving accident, you should contact a New Orleans DUI accident attorney to explore your legal rights and options. While you are having a good time in New Orleans, you can avoid being involved in a drunk driving accident by ensuring that you plan ahead and make smart decisions. Below, we review two of the most proven ways to avoid being in a DUI-related incident in New Orleans.

If You’re Going to Drink, Eat More Than You Sip and Get Someone Else to Drive

You see those pretzels in the bowl on the table in front of you? Take a handful and enjoy them while you’re drinking your favorite beverage. Better yet, order a meal or some appetizers to go along with your drink. Always be aware of the amount of alcohol you are drinking and pace yourself (and try to include a non-alcoholic beverage in between drinks if you’re having more than one). The body tends to absorb alcohol a bit slower when you have a full stomach than when you have an empty one.  We never encourage drinking and driving under any circumstances. Still, we know that for some, having fun will always include drinking an alcoholic beverage. While we know you are having a good time with friends and loved ones, it is important to keep yourself and others safe. Even if you don’t drink to “get drunk,” it is always a good idea to plan ahead and hire a driver or seek another mode of transportation to get home once the fun is done.

Avoid Peak DUI Hours - Get a Room and/or Wait it Out

New Orleans is without question the type of place where people come to party late into the night, and law enforcement is fully aware of this. With most bars and drinking establishments open well into the early morning hours, it is not uncommon for the streets of New Orleans to be filled with people throughout the evening and late-night/early morning hours. One approach to avoid a drunk driving charge and/or accident is to avoid being on the road late at night altogether. Plan to have a place to stay that is close to the establishment at which you’re drinking. If that is not possible, stop drinking at least 90 minutes before leaving and simply wait a while longer. Contrary to popular belief, time is the best and only way to sober up (not any of those magic tonics or tons of coffee). Depending on how much you’ve had to drink, a few hours may go a long way toward getting you sober enough to go home without incident.  But, as mentioned above, don’t risk it - if you can’t get a room or stay with a friend, use public transportation, call a rideshare company, or seek help from a close family member or friend to ensure your safe return to your final destination.

Contact a New Orleans DUI Accident Attorney After an Accident

Did you make the best efforts to avoid a DUI crash and find yourself at the center of one regardless? There’s no need to panic - an experienced New Orleans DUI accident attorney from our firm can help you navigate the case. Contact our firm today.

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