Louisiana State Police announced recently that the agency will be coordinating with local law enforcement in an effort to crack down on drunk driving during the July 4th holiday. State police and other law enforcement agencies will be increasing patrols and holding DWI Checkpoints between July 3 and July 8. Currently, at least one checkpoint is scheduled for Wednesday July 4th in Lafourche Parish and more are expected across the state. While the 4th of July is always a time for celebration and outdoor activities, it is important to remember to exercise responsible drinking behavior despite the festive atmosphere. Always use a cab service or appoint a designated driver before driving this holiday. (Remember, even boaters can receive DWIs). If you or someone you know are arrested for DWI or cited for an alcohol-related offense of the holiday weekend, contact Bloom Legal 24/7 at 504-599-9997 or online at https://www.bloomlegal.com.
Available 24/7 for immediate help. Call: 504-599-9997