A law that was passed by the Louisiana State Legislature takes effect this Sunday that will make text messaging while driving a primary offense. [caption id="attachment_920" align="alignright" width="300"]<https://www.bloomlegal.com/blog/2010/08/13/starting-this-weekend-police-can-pull-you-over-for-texting/"> Photo Courtesy of DigitalTrends.com[/caption] Prior to this weekend, police were able to cite drivers for text messaging behind the wheel only if they had been pulled over for another primary offense such as speeding. The new law will make it possible for drivers to be stopped merely for being seen texting while driving. Fines will start at $75 and can go up to as much as $500 for repeat offenders although some police departments have issued statements indicating that they will be issuing warnings early on in order to allow for a short learning curve. Another part of the law that will take effect this weekend will ban any use of cellphones behind the wheel for drivers age 17 and under. If you are pulled over and issued a ticket for texting while driving it is important that you consult with an experienced traffic attorney in order to minimize the risk of incurring points against your driver's license and hikes in your insurance rates. Contact Bloom Legal today at 504-599-9997 to schedule a consultation.
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