Quick Overview of Louisiana Gun Laws

Posted on Dec 30, 2016 in Criminal Defense

A study published over the summer suggested that Louisiana had one of the highest rates for gun-related charges. Though violent crimes, including homicide and assault with a deadly weapon, are included in the laundry list of gun-related offenses, illegal possession or handling of a firearm are far more common charges.  As Louisiana has 15.1 firearms per 1000 people, we wanted to remind responsible Louisianians of some of our state’s gun possession laws.   Possession In Louisiana, adults don’t need a permit to own rifle, shotgun or handgun. However, it is illegal for felons convicted of certain crimes to possess a firearm for up to ten years from completion of the sentence, probation, parole or suspension of a sentence. These convictions include weapons offenses, felony drug crimes, sex crimes, and burglaries. Under Louisiana law, children under the age of 17 are not allowed to possess handguns, but exceptions exist for hunting, target practice, children who have written permission from their parents, and children on private property with the owner’s consent. For Louisiana residents, it is legal to purchase a rifle or shotgun or ammunition in other states. It is illegal to buy, sell, or possess a firearm on which the serial number and/or other identifying remarks have been removed.  But since August 2013, gun owners no longer have to register their firearms with the state. Concealed Weapons Law Louisiana law states that it’s a criminal offense to carry a concealed firearm without a concealed carry permit, for which you can fill out an online application through the Louisiana Department of Public Safety. Negligent carrying of a concealed weapon is a crime, charged when offenders carry a concealed handgun in a way that makes it likely to discharge, or causes others to fear that it may discharge, or causes others to fear that the carrier is going to commit a crime with the concealed weapon.  Most states recognize and/or reciprocate Louisiana’s permit to carry a concealed weapon, but there are exceptions (such as New York and California). Transportation and Storage of Firearms in Privately Owned Motor Vehicles Legally possessed firearms can be transported or stored in a locked, privately owned motor vehicle in parking lots, parking garages, and other designated parking areas. Employers can adopt policies suggesting that locked firearms on property under their control be hidden from plain view or within a locked case or container in a privately owned vehicle. Punishments Carrying a concealed weapon without a legal permit is punishable by a $500 fine and/or up to six months in jail, but may be punished more severely if the crime is committed in conjunction with a violent crime or drug crime. Negligent carrying of a concealed weapon is punishable by a $500 fine and/or up to six months in jail. Illegal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is punishable by a fine ranging from $1000 to $5000 and/or ten to twenty years in prison. Give us a Call If you’ve been charged with a gun-related offense, we are here to provide you counsel. Give Bloom Legal, LLC a call to schedule a meeting with our defense attorney.

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