Obama Supports Plan to Pay Out 80% of BP Penalties to the Gulf Coast

Posted on Aug 9, 2010 in BP Oil Spill, Legislation, Local Issues, National Issues

President Obama's top advisor on energy and climate change issued a statement today that indicated that he would be supporting an initiative proposed by Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu that would result in the allocation of 80% of federal penalties imposed upon BP to the Gulf Coast region. [caption id="attachment_895" align="alignright" width="300"] Photo Courtesy of BayNews9.com[/caption] With penalties expected to total at least $5 billion, Louisiana could stand to receive as much as $2.5 billion dollars to support coastal restoration. This is certainly good news for all of those whose lives and livelihoods have been dramatically affected by the Oil Spill and its long term ramifications. In light of these developments, it is becoming increasingly important that those who believe that they hold legitimate claims against BP as a result of the Oil Spill become informed of their rights and options with regard to compensation. If you believe that you or someone you know may be in a position to receive compensation from BP, contact Bloom Legal at 504-599-9997 to schedule a consultation.

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