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Nick Hogan Arrested on Felony Charges in Speed Racing Accident

Posted on Nov 7, 2007 in Celebrity Justice, Traffic

It was Nick Hogan's yellow hatchback Toyota Supra against Daniel Jacob's silver convertible Dodge Viper.  Speed racing was involved in the August pile-up that incapacitated John Graziano .... As detailed in today's News Release by the Clearwater Florida Police, Hulk Hogan's son, Nick Hogan Bollea, turned himself in this morning and was booked on the both felony and misdemeanor charges resulting from the August 26th car crash that left his friend John Graziano seriously incapacitated.   Witnesses have confirmed that Nick Hogan was speed racing with Daniel Jacobs, who's being charges with reckless driving. What's the law here?  Well, both civil and criminal law come into play in serious car crashes like this one.   There's jail time to consider, fines, and big civil damages.  Today's news is the criminal side: Nick must face the possibility of fines and jail time.  He's facing the felony charge of reckless driving involving serious bodily injury which is compounded by being under the age of 21 with a BAC of .02 or higher at the time of the crash.  Not good. Driving drunk while speed racing and permanently incapacitating your passenger?  Good luck getting around jail time here .... No news yet on the civil side: Graziano looks to have a well-documented personal injury suit against Nick Hogan, should he (or someone acting on his behalf) decide to file one.  The news media covered the crash and have extensive photos to provide any personal injury lawyer pursuing the matter. Looks like someone's preparing for a civil defense somewhere: the Hogan family has already issued a statement where John Granziano's failure to be wearing his seatbelt is clearly pointed out.  Contributory negligence is a legal defense, of course. And, last month, TMZ reported that evidence was provided in the suit involving having someone become legal guardian for John (his mother filed, her estranged husband fought for an independent appointee) that the Hogan family was providing significant financial support for John's mother, including providing her a condo and assorted living expenses to avoid a civil lawsuit. Why file a civil lawsuit?  John remains in a "coma-like state" which may mean he's suffered a traumatic brain injury, a spinal cord injury, or both.  These are severe injuries, requiring long term health care as well as therapeutic and rehabilitative expense should he ever improve to any degree.  This cost can be in the millions, and personal injury lawsuits detail those damages and insure that these costs are covered over the victim's lifetime. A civil personal injury lawsuit will protect Graziano's long term needs - he may survive many years in that coma-like state.  Expect one to be filed. Meanwhile, Nick Hogan's family has released a statement, which you can read in its entirety over at Tampa Bay's TV channel 10's web site.

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