New Texas DUI Law Spreads to Louisiana

Posted on Dec 12, 2011 in Courts, DUI/DWI, Local Issues

Texans arrested for drunk driving should prepare to roll up their sleeves for a blood test this holiday season. Cities and counties across the state are increasingly demanding that drunken driving suspects who refuse to take breathalyzer tests submit to blood tests that measure the amount of alcohol in their systems. The blood test policy has grown from a procedure used in a few Texas towns to one that is used by police state-wide - especially during weekends and holidays when drunken driving is most common. The "No Refusal" initiative, as it is known, has also caught on in other states, including Florida, Missouri, Illinois - and, you guessed it - Louisiana. The attraction for law enforcement and prosecutors is that blood evidence is a powerful tool in front of juries. Armed with blood evidence of intoxication, some prosecutors say they can win convictions in more than 90% of DUI cases. Texas courts have uniformly held up the constitutionality of mandatory blood testing; however some argue it is an unreasonable search and seizure. Often, lawyers say, defendants faced with blood evidence admit their guilt and do not bother with a trial. If you or anyone you know has been arrested or convicted for a DUI, contact Bloom Legal 24/7 at or at 504-599-9997 for a consultation to discuss your options.

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