New Orleans City Council Deals Blow to Tulane Stadium

Posted on May 8, 2012 in Local Issues

Tulane's plans to rebuild an on-campus football stadium hit a major snag Saturday as City Council officials passed an ordinance requiring colleges to present to the City Planning Commission prior to breaking ground on any new large-scale projects. The ordinance passed 4-2, with Councilman Jon Johnson and Councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell in opposition. Supporters of the ordinance believe that the rule is designed to give the community more time to evaluate the impact of major construction. The ordinance prohibits "the construction or expansion to existing structures of any building or facility within college and university campuses that will result in a building or facility in excess of 250,000 square feet of gross floor area," wording that, while intentionally vague, is intended to single out Tulane's stadium plans. A coalition of Tulane, Loyola, and Xavier officials strongly oppose the motion, saying that is an unfair and discriminatory reaction to neighborhood organizations that wield outsized influence.

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