National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Posted on Dec 26, 2016 in DUI/DWI

December can be one of the happiest months of the year. With the holiday season in full swing, there are bound to be more parties to attend, more time to spend with loved ones, and more celebratory feelings in the air. However, celebrations can also mean an increase in alcohol or drug consumption. And while these activities can be fun in the moment, they may lead to poor choices later on. One of these poor choices is getting behind the wheel while impaired. And it happens more often than we would like to think. According to a recent Presidential Proclamation, preventable alcohol-related fatalities accounted for almost 1/3 of all traffic fatalities last year. Thus, it is more important than ever to recognize December as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Regardless of your age or experience on the road, driving while impaired is never a good idea. Although you may not realize it, motor functions and response times are drastically impacted when you are under the influence. This means that you are more likely to make choices that put yourself, your passengers, and other drivers in danger. We are glad that the President has taken the time to speak to the importance of driving sober, and that initiatives like the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign are raising awareness about the importance of safe driving habits. These days, it is easier than ever to find alternatives for getting home, should you realize that you are too impaired to drive. And we highly recommend making the smart choice in these situations. However, we also understand that sometimes accidents do happen. We’re all human and, despite what we know to be best, we may find ourselves making a dangerous choice when we get behind the wheel.

Facing the Legal Process? We Can Help.

When that happens, you don’t have to face your case alone. We are New Orleans DUI attorneys who understand what you may be going through and we are here to help. Having a trusted attorney by your side during the potentially tumultuous legal process can make a world of difference to your feelings of stability and security, as you handle your case. So, do not hesitate to contact us. When you reach out, we’ll set up an initial consultation and discuss your options under the law. Then, we’ll work together to ensure that you have the best representation possible, while you focus on living the life you deserve.

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