More Recalls – Dog Food Recalls, Listerine Recalls, Imus

Posted on Apr 16, 2007 in Legislation, National Issues

This morning, more pet food recalls: the Vets Choice and Royal Canin brands of dog and cat food (dry this time, not like the earlier cuts-and-gravy foods) have been recalled by the manufacturer. On April 10th, MenuFoods expanded its recall to include cat food, as well as dog food, under its brand. The FDA has an ongoing, updated list of the recalled food at its site (click here). However, as recently as last Thursday, the FDA warned that not all the contaminated food is off the shelf: its nation-wide spot checks reveal store clerks aren't being vigilant in pulling these products. And -- as if this wasn't bad enough -- on Friday the 13th, Listerine recalled every bottle of its Agent Cool Blue, a plaque-detecting rinse marketed to children. The manufacturer, McNeil-PPC, Inc., wants all of its 4 Million bottles of mouth rinse returned. Apparently, the preservatives in the liquid aren't sufficient to kill microorganisms in the rinse. How scary is this Listerine recall? No one knows. According to the company's press release, there haven't been any reports of harm -- although the company warns "there could be a significant health risk to individuals with weakened or suppressed immune systems." The Listerine recall is a "voluntary recall" - the company is doing this proactively, not responding to governmental action or public pressure. It's true that voluntary recalls occur every day; more info on these product recalls can be found on the FDA's web site. Not every recall makes the news, so you may want to surf the FDA's site. It's not cumulative of all recalls tho: the recall of Don Imus by MSNBC, for example, won't be listed there. Maybe Imus thinks it should be? More Sources: BusinessDay Menu Foods Drug Newswire MSNBC - Imus in the Morning

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