Man arrested for 7th DWI in Metairie

Posted on Aug 25, 2015 in DUI/DWI

[caption id="attachment_5774" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo courtesy of[/caption] Jose Cruz-Hernandex, 30, was arrested for a 7th DWI in Metairie after a hit-and-run on Wednesday. Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office shows Cruz-Hernandez was arrested after a man reported his vehicle was struck, and the driver did not stop. He was later found passed out behind the wheel of the truck in front of his home in Old Jefferson. The deputies claim he smelled of alcohol and had an unnamed alcoholic drink in the center console. After refusing the Breathalyzer and the field sobriety test, he became combative with the deputies and refused to be hand-cuffed. Court records show that Mr. Cruz-Hernandez has had multiple DWI arrests since 2004. He was charged with a 4th offense DWI for this latest arrest, although records show he has pled to at least six. If you or someone you know is arrested for a DWI, please give our office a call at 504-599-9997 or email us directly at

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