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Judge Lynda Van Davis Resigns from Criminal Court

Posted on Jul 19, 2012 in Courts, Local Issues

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="385"]Photo Courtesy of NOLA.com.;[/caption]Criminal District Court Judge, Lynda Van Davis--who had recently come under scrutiny for frequent absences from the bench and an overflowing docket--announced yeseterday that she will be resigning. Van Davis was the subject of a number of local investigative news reports after she missed more than the maximum number of days that the Supreme Court would provide her with a substitute judge. Sources also indicate that Van Davis spent up to a month on an Egyptian vacation and spent more than $36,000 in taxpayer money on trips allegedly intended to enhance her legal education. After announcing her resignation, Van Davis attributed the decision to her upcoming wedding--not her questionable tenure on the bench.

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