Jazz Fest Schedule Announced

Posted on Apr 1, 2011 in Local Issues

Festival season has officially begun and every weekend is filled with good food and good music, and the biggest music fest of them all is fast approaching. Jazz Fest has announced its schedule for 2011. [caption id="attachment_1862" align="alignright" width="300"] Photo Courtesy of nola.livemusicblog.com[/caption] Now the difficult task of choosing which days to attend and which acts to see begins. Choosing whether to see The Nevilles or The Radiators' farewell with friends will be a tough one for the fans of local acts, while Arcade Fire, fresh off their Grammy win, and Willie Nelson, fresh off his latest possession charge, will pit the hipsters against the hippies. The festival continues to mix local acts and national celebrities with Kermit Ruffins on the same stage as Lupe Fiasco. Galactic playing before Wilco is a great example of what Jazz fest has become. The day is filled with great local food and music from great local bands, and the evening focuses more and more on big name acts. The fairgrounds will be packed on April 29th, opening day, with Robert Plant performing, all the way to May 8th when the Nevilles play the last show. If you or anyone you knows gets charged with drug possession or DUI during Jazz Fest, contact Bloom Legal at 504-599-9997,so that we can fight for you.

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