HBO to Air ‘Hot Coffee’ Consumer Rights Docu Tonight

Posted on Jun 27, 2011 in Celebrity Justice, Legislation, National Issues, Personal Injury

HBO will be airing a documentary tonight called Hot Coffee which has particular relevance to the field of Personal Injury law. [caption id="attachment_2151" align="alignright" width="166" caption="Photo Courtesy of"][/caption] Hot Coffee producer-director Susan Saladoff also served as a civil lawyer for 25 years, representing individuals in all sorts of tort issues. The documentary is intended to raise awareness for what actually happens in the civil litigation and personal injury process and whether or not the courts are actually full of frivolous lawsuits. Every year Americans discuss the issue of tort reform but it is often neglected how greatly this affects our civil liberties as well as the fact that the reality surrounding the civil litigation system is often greatly misunderstood. The film's namesake case, the high profile civil suit against McDonald's filed on behalf of plaintiff Stella Liebick, is one of 4 examples used to illustrate and address misperceptions of the civil litigation field. Many people are unaware, for example, than Ms. Liebick tragically permanently lost all reproductive capacity from the notorious accident and that she also originally sued only to seek compensation for her medical expenses. Tort reform is a contentious issue in modern America and Hot Coffe attempts to reconcile some of the many misperceptions surrounding the central issues of civil liberties, plaintiff's rights, and personal injury lawsuits. For more on Hot Coffee, visit the official movie page. If you are interested in personal injury representation in the state of Louisiana, visit for more information.

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