Grand Isle ‘Oil Hotspots’ Indicate Fallout From Spill Is Far From Over

Posted on Sep 20, 2010 in BP Oil Spill, Local Issues

A recent report by about the residual effects of the oil spill in coastal areas such as Grand Isle and Fourchon has indicated that the widely held view that Louisiana dodged a bullet in the aftermath of the BP Oil Spill could be mistaken. According to the report, large patches of oil are being discovered a few inches below the surface of the sand on many beaches. Large 'patties' of stratified oil are also being identified in the water which leech oil residue into the marshes and Gulf as tides recede. While these areas are concentrated in 'hotspots' (about 500 miles of coast) that seem relatively minor when compared to the 7,700 total miles of Louisiana coast that largely avoided oiling, the concentrations of oil in these area still represent mortal threats to wildlife and potential hazards to humans residing in the area. For the full report as well as a video demonstrating the presence of concentrated patches of oil: click here. If you or a loved one have been affected by the BP Oil Spill, time is of the essence in ensuring your ability to file a claim. Contact Bloom Legal today at 504-599-9997 to discuss how we can help fight for your rights.

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