Gov. Jindal Signs Bill Changing the Camera Ticket Appeal Process

Posted on May 31, 2012 in Courts, Local Issues

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="380" caption="Photo Courtesy of"][/caption]Governor, Bobby Jindal signed a bill today that will change the procedure for challenging New Orleans Traffic Camera tickets. The "Photo Safety Program" as it is known has sparked a considerable amount of controversy since its inception in the city. Previously, drivers could only challenge the tickets before an administrative board composed of representatives of the company in charge of the program. These hearings rarely dismissed the tickets and had many wondering whether or not the system was violating certain fundamental constitutional due process rights. The decision of the administrative panel will now, apparently, be able to be appealed to First (Eastbank) or Second (Aligers) City Courts. The courts will be responsible for structuring the appeals process and a bill modifying the civil code to allow for this is pending in the legislature. We will be monitoring the process closely and keep our readers updated about significant developments. This would appear to be a strong first step toward bringing the tickets under the purview of the traditional legal system.

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