[caption id="attachment_5677" align="alignnone" width="650"] Photo courtesy of www.klfy.com[/caption] A total of eight people were booked over the Thursday and Friday of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in Baton Rouge. The following are their names and charges against them: Kenneth Dean, 22, 40237 Coontrap Road, Gonzales, first-offense DWI and careless operation.
Alando Gilkes, 49, 11348 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, first-offense DWI, improper lane usage, possession of alcoholic beverage in vehicle and failure to signal turn.
Holly LeBlanc, 29, 6444 Jones Creek Road, Baton Rouge, first-offense DWI, simple obstruction of public highway and improper lane usage.
Terry Cook, 38, 3204 Singletary Drive, Baker, 1st offense DWI, disobeying red light, intentional littering, and possession of alcoholic beverage in vehicle.
Tonya Smith, 41, 20512 Watson Drive, Zachary, 1st offense DWI, reckless operation, driver's license suspended, simple criminal damage to property, and public intimidation and retaliation.
Genesis Bobo, 21, 2851 Iberia Street, Baton Rouge, 1st offense DWI, reckless operation, and failure to maintain control.
Ronald Montgomery, 32, 3336 Amarillo Street, Baton Rouge, 1st offense DWI.
Lamar Dupree, 22, 5151 Highland Road, Baton Rouge, 1st offense DWI, reckless operation, and hit & run. If you or someone you know is arrested for a DWI in the Greater New Orleans area, please give our office a call at 504-599-9997 or email us at info@bloomlegal.com.
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