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DUI Checkpint Stops 1000, Arrests None

Posted on Jun 7, 2013 in Personal Injury

Los Angeles, Calif. - This past weekend over 1,000 drivers were stopped at a DUI checkpoint in the Burbank area of LA, and none were over the legal limit. In the 5 hours from 9 P.M. to 2 A.M. six drivers were asked to exit their vehicle and perform a field sobriety test, but none were arrested. As seen in many cities across the nation, the Burbank Police Department received a $31,500 grant last year to conduct sobriety checkpoints in hopes of reducing drunk driving in their area. The constitutionality of sobriety checkpoints has been a contentious issue for some time in the United States, ever since 1990 when the US Supreme Court reversed a ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court, which held that sobriety checks violated Fourth Amendment rights. The US Supreme Court ruled that reducing drunk driving fatalities was worth the minor infringement on the constitutional rights of Americans. Today, there are 12 states that prohibit sobriety checkpoints. While some states prohibit them based on state law or Constitution, Texas is the only state that prohibits them based on its interpretation of the US Constitution. Louisiana is one state that does conduct sobriety checkpoints, and with good reason. In 2011 Louisiana ranked in the top 20 (#16) of states with the highest rate of drunk driving fatalities, at a whopping 226. Have you received a DUI recently? Call Bloom Legal at (504) 599-9997 for your consultation. Seth Bloom has a vast record of dealing with DWIs/DUIs. He knows the law, and can make it work for you.

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