Don’t Drink & Drive This Holiday!

Posted on Dec 23, 2009 in DUI/DWI, Traffic

Police warn of DWI crackdown! Drivers should be careful this holiday season, as Louisiana police will be out in full force, cracking down on DUI & DWI violations. The last thing that you or your family wants to deal with during the hectic holidays is an arrest for driving under the influence in New Orleans or other areas in Louisiana. Driving while intoxicated is a serious offense, especially with the new 2008 statutory regulations that require a 15-day jail sentence for people arrested for driving while their licenses are suspended as a result of a previous DWI. If you refuse to take a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test, you can have your license suspended for a year! You might also be required to have an ignition interlock device as a DWI or DUI offender. A DWI or DUI conviction can result in fines, court costs and even jail time. If you or a family member or friend has been arrested under suspicion of DWI or DUI, you need an attorney! Bloom Legal is experienced in DWI and DUI defense and knows how to use innovative tactics to defend clients to the fullest. Call Bloom Legal for all your DUI and DWI or traffic ticket violations today!

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