Deserted Streets Are Full Of Risk In Pandemic

Posted on Mar 9, 2021 in Car Accidents, National Issues, Personal Injury, Traffic

With fewer drivers on the streets during the pandemic it may be tempting to take more risks like speeding or not wearing a seatbelt. You might even think a seatbelt is not necessary when driving short distances. Is that kind of risky driving always dangerous no matter how many cars are on the road? Yes. According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, between March and July of 2020 passenger seat belt use declined 21% from its pre-pandemic rate of 3 in every 4 people wearing seat belts. Car accidents involving ejections, which are usually prevented by seat belts, increased during the pandemic as well. Unfortunately, even with less people driving, traffic accidents increased last year, and so did driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. At Bloom Legal we know that no one wants to be responsible for the injury or death of themselves or anyone else. In New Orleans or elsewhere, always stay on the lookout for signs of risky drivers and practice defensive driving.

What Risky Driving Behaviors Cause Crashes? 

While we already mentioned most obvious risky behaviors that lead to accidents, like speeding, not wearing a seat belt, and driving under the influence, there are other potentially fatal risks people take on the road. Even passing and lane changing, if done too quickly or in a no-passing zone, can be very dangerous.  Tailgating is more than just rude and annoying, it is incredibly risky. Texting and other cell phone use behind the wheel is more than just a social faux pas, also it’s dangerously distracting. Distracted driving and drowsy driving claim thousands of lives every year. Sleep deprivation can impair your reflexes as much as alcohol consumption. It is best to avoid these unsafe driving practices and to avoid other drivers who appear to be doing them, especially now when drivers are taking more risks than ever. 

How To Avoid Risky Driving And Injury

Psychological research by the University of Tartu in Estonia has found that being aware of your own impulsivity can keep you from making risky decisions when driving. Risk prevention starts before you start your car. As soon as you get into your car be sure to put your phone on silent. If you are using your phone as a GPS navigator set your text message notifications to silent and ignore them.  If a car does start to tailgate you, do not respond aggressively, but carefully change lanes and allow them to pass. The same goes for when you see a driver swerving as if they are drunk or drowsy. Be sure to use your turn signals appropriately to avoid an accident Use your headlights whenever weather impairs road visibility and try to avoid driving in severe weather if possible, especially at night. Never drive when you are sleep-deprived, and if you start feeling drowsy, pull over at a rest stop. Awareness is the key to safe driving. 

What To Do If You Are In A Collision

Despite all your best efforts and defensive driving techniques you can still get hit by a risky driver, and sometimes even usually safe drivers make mistakes or give into impulse.  If you or someone you love has been the victim of or injured in an accident, it is imperative that you contact a traffic accident attorney right away. Here at Bloom Legal in New Orleans our dedicated lawyers stand ready to assist you and can be contacted at 504-599-9997. 

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