BP Oil stirred up post Isaac

Posted on Sep 6, 2012 in BP Oil Spill, Local Issues

Tests on oil found on various beaches on the gulf coast have revealed that Hurricane Issac unearthed a significant amount of oil left over from BP's massive oil spill in 2010. The oil was found on Grand Isle and Elmers Isle, and experts are saying that there is plenty more there. Some of the oil buried along the coast is estimated to be nearly three feet deep. While this is no emergency Joel Hayworth, a researcher, believes that this will be a new normal from some beaches along the coast. With each new storm there will be new pockets of oil unearthed from below the surface. If you need any assistance with BP Claims do not hesitate to call us at Bloom Legal (504) 999-9997 for a consultation. For more on this story visit nola.com

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