BP Announces Immediate Action Claims Team For Businesses With Critical Cash Flow Needs

Posted on Aug 3, 2010 in BP Oil Spill, Local Issues

In a statement released today, BP announced that in order to expedite the claims process for businesses experiencing critical cash flow shortages as a result of the oil spill that it would begin referring business owners to an Immediate Action Claims Team with the authority to make quick decisions and awards. With this new program, BP apparently will be relaxing the documentation requirements for filing a claim to accept 2008 or 2009 tax returns that can prove the equivalent of a 3-month interruption of business. BP has announced that it will also be using the Immediate Action Claims Team to expedite 2nd or 3rd payments to business owners who have already been approved for compensation but whose cash flow issues are so pressing as to demand immediate payment. If you are a business owner experiencing cash flow issues as a result of an interruption or reduction of business because of the oil spill, you may stand to benefit from this service which can be reached at 800-573-8249. If you intend to file for a claim from BP, however, it is advisable to consult with an attorney prior to accepting any form of payment. Contact Bloom Legal today at (504) 599-9997 to discuss your options when it comes to Oil Spill Litigation.

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