Bill Passed by the House to Allow Elected Officials to Receive “Minor” Gifts

Posted on Jun 7, 2010 in Legislation, National Issues

Last week, the House passed a bill which broke free from the previous ethics laws implicit in Louisiana politics allowing for elected officials to receive, openly, gifts from those companies with which they do business. With a 55-31 passing, the House Bill 296 will now give politicians the right to accept kickbacks, just as long as they are not in excess of $15 each time, and no more than $45 per year. The ethics laws that have been implicit in Louisiana went so far as to not allow for librarians to receive Christmas cookies last December because they do not allow for the rewarding of someone’s work. While this is a break from a the laws meant to end kickbacks for elected officials, it does not seem to go too far considering the limitations on the amount that can be spent. If the bill passes through the Senate, then it will be up to someone to regulate how many gifts and what their prices are in accordance to this pending law.

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