American Idol: Jordin or Blake? Is It Rigged?

Posted on May 20, 2007 in Celebrity Justice

It is down to two, folks: Jordin and Blake are this year's Kelly and Justin over at American Idol.    Many are still reeling from last week's shocking departure of Melinda Doolittle -- a truly gifted singer that may felt was a shoe-in for this year's Idol.   Some are doing more than that -- several bloggers (including Gossip Galore and Media Take Out) are saying that over at the Howard Stern Show, they're calling the show rigged with producers, not the voters, picking who stays and who goes .... It's said to be an official "expose." What would this mean, from a legal perspective?  Well, American Idol might have some trade secrets revealed that could form the basis of a lawsuit against the would-be whistleblower.  And, there seems to be a whiff  of fraud in the air. What's fraud exactly?  It's a material misrepresentation made for the purpose of someone relying on it, which they do, to their detriment.  Question is: who relied, how were they harmed, what was the misrepresentation?�

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