420 Pounds of Marijuana Seized: A Look at New Marijuana Prosecution Laws in Louisiana

Posted on Oct 21, 2016 in Criminal Defense, Drugs

The issue of legalizing marijuana is a polarizing one. People on both sides of the argument often present well-crafted cases for or against the legal use of this plant for both personal and medical reasons. Currently, Louisiana is not one of the states in which recreational marijuana use is legalized. And, as a result, there are consequences for possession and distribution of this drug. Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, it’s important to know the rules so that you can keep yourself out of legal trouble. As a New Orleans drug defense attorney, we understand the ins and outs of drug defense cases. We also know that you don’t want to get yourself entangled in one! A recent story out of Westwego sheds light on the marijuana situation in the state and warrants a look at the way possession of it is prosecuted.

One Package That Was Not Returned to Sender

In late August, state troopers intercepted 420 pounds of marijuana stashed inside of a shipment of soaking salts. The marijuana was packaged in vacuum-sealed bags hidden inside of 55-gallon drums en route to 32-year-old Michael Kwan. Upon discovering the illicit substance, troopers received a warrant to search Kwan’s home. There, they found additional marijuana, cocaine, steroids, and other drug paraphernalia. As a result, they charged Kwan with possession of and intent to distribute all of the uncovered substances. However, new statewide marijuana possession laws mean that punishment for marijuana possession may be softer than it was earlier. The laws, which went into effect in June, give police greater liberties with pot-possession cases. The idea behind the change is to allow police to spend less time on minor crimes and keep low-level offenders out of jail. Unfortunately for Kwan, this only applies to individuals holding less than 2.5 pounds of marijuana. So it’s unlikely that the new laws will benefit him, considering he possessed over 168 times that amount. But, in general, we see these changes as a step in the right direction. Hopefully this will allow officers to focus on the more dangerous offenders out there, resulting in a more focused and efficient police force.

You Don’t Have to Face Your Case Alone

That said, just because the new laws soften punishment doesn’t mean that they completely eliminate it. And at some point, you may find yourself embroiled in a legal matter involving the possession of drugs. Should that day come, you can rest assured that we are here to help. If you need an experienced New Orleans drug defense attorney, we are here to help you get your life back on track. When you contact us, we’ll set up an initial consultation, listen to your story, and help you make the most informed decision regarding your next best step.

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