You’ve probably seen it at Jazz Fest this year – people standing outside the entrance trying to resell their tickets. However, is it legal to resell your ticket? In Louisiana, you can legally resell your ticket as long as you sell it at its face value price or less. So, if you buy a ticket for $80, don’t resell it for more than $80! You can face serious charges if you resell – or “scalp” – a ticket for more than its face value. You may be fined up to $500 and face imprisonment for up to 90 days. The law applies to tickets for any sports, dance, theater, concert, circus or other amusement –related event. Please stay safe this festival season, and remember it’s illegal to resell your tickets for more than its face value. If you are arrested while festing in New Orleans, call Bloom Legal today at 504-599-997 or fill out our online form to discuss your case. Our lawyers can help you understand the consequences of your charge, and how you can fight the charge.
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