Prostitution, formally known as the world's oldest profession, has become a prominent issue in New Orleans and these prostitutes are compelled to work in a condition of near slavery. A crackdown on prostitution in the French Quarter and Central Business District called, "Project Heat," has been authorized by the combined efforts of New Orleans police, with State Police, the FBI and the Secret Service. It all began in early July. Since then they have ran periodic undercover sweeps in the French Quarter; on Bourbon, Royal, Poydras, St. Charles, Canal, and Carrolton. In the last two months they arrested 67 prostitutes, their handlers and their customers. 90 percent of suspects with court dates so far have pleaded guilty from Project Heat. The multi-agency project seeks underage girls being trafficked in the interstate sex trade, a federal offense, 18 officers running undercover encounters found that in this prostitution sting other crimes led to ATM card or identity theft and credit card fraud. If you or anyone you know are involved with the law and need a criminal defense lawyer, please feel free to call Bloom Legal for a consultation at 504-599-9997. We are ready to start diligently working for you!
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