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City Council Softens Marijuana Laws: How Does This Affect You?

Posted on Jun 24, 2016 in Criminal Defense, Drugs, Local Issues, Marijuana, Medical Marijuana, NOPD

Have you had a charge for marijuana possession in the City of New Orleans? If so, up until this week, a repeat offense could have landed you behind bars. Now, thanks to a measure passed by the City Council, you may just get a ticket the next time. The path to less strict marijuana laws in New Orleans started back in 2010 when it became standard practice to issue court summons for possession instead of getting a one way ride to jail. However, this leniency was only extended to first time offenders. Starting Wednesday, June 22,  a summons can be issued, at the officer’s discretion, in lieu of prison time. The law affects anyone who is caught with less than 2.5lbs, and who an officer has deems is not intended to distribute. Recently, medical marijuana has also been legalized in New Orleans. Check out our blog for more information. Regardless of whether it is your first offense or not, if you are caught with drugs you will need an attorney and we here at Bloom Legal have your back. Reach us here at the office at 504-599-9997 or directly via the website.

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