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Supreme Court to Hear Case of New Orleans Prosecution Misconduct

Posted on Sep 9, 2010 in Courts, Local Issues

The Supreme Court will take on a New Orleans case, Connick vs. Thompson, in October, from a murder trial in 1985. [caption id="attachment_986" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo Courtesy of DCist.com"][/caption] The Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office is being held responsible for a suspected failure to train their prosecutors because they did not turn over evidence, which ended up acquitting defendant John Thompson, to the criminal defense team. Thompson was found guilty of murder and spent multiple years on death row for a crime he did not commit, apparently because of this withheld information from the prosecution. Crime lab documents were discovered in 1999, which proved that the blood types originally withheld as evidence did not match. The Supreme Court case against the Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office will be heard on October 6th. This news surfaces during a period when NOPD Superintendent Ronal Serpas and Mayor Mitch Landrieu are instituting measures to correct widespread corruption throughout the department. If you believe that you have been wrongfully accused of a crime, contact Bloom Legal today at 504-599-9997 to discuss the details of your case.

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